
Input Table

lord rings
pride prejudice
his dark materials
hitchhiker guide galaxy
harry potter goblet fire
kill mockingbird
winnie pooh
nineteen eighty four
jane eyre
catch 22
wuthering heights
wind willows
catcher rye
little women
great expectations
war peace
captain corelli mandolin
harry potter philosopher stone
gone wind
harry potter prisoner azkaban
harry potter chamber secrets
tess d urbervilles
prayer owen meany
alice adventures wonderland
grapes wrath
pillars earth
david copperfield
story tracy beaker
one hundred years solitude
town like alice
charlie chocolate factory
treasure island
anne green gables
watership down
brideshead revisited
animal farm
great gatsby
count monte cristo
shell seekers
goodnight mister tom
far from madding crowd
christmas carol
anna karenina
mice men
secret garden
black beauty
swallows amazons
suitable boy
memoirs geisha
noughts crosses
crime punishment
artemis fowl
good omens
guards guards
lord flies
tale two cities
thorn birds
magic faraway tree
bridget jones diary
secret history
woman white
ragged trousered philanthropists
night watch
vicky angel
god small things
double act
bleak house
i capture castle
clan cave bear
colour magic
cold comfort farm
brave new world
princess diaries
midnight children
love time cholera
girls love
kane abel

Extended Table

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string string coordinate string string date string link numeric string numeric numeric string numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric numeric string string link string string numeric string string string date string string numeric string numeric string numeric date link string string string string string string link string string link link string string link numeric string string numeric string string string link string string string numeric numeric date string numeric numeric string numeric numeric string string date string date string string string numeric string numeric string numeric string string string string link date link link numeric date numeric numeric numeric date string string numeric date string string link numeric string string string string string link link string string string string string string numeric string date date date numeric string date string date date date date string date date date date numeric numeric date date date date string date date date date date link string numeric string link date string string numeric numeric link numeric date string date date string link link string string string string numeric string string string string numeric numeric numeric string link string link string numeric link string string string link link date string string string numeric string numeric
lord rings jrr tolkien j r r tolkien 5 j r r tolkien 29 tolkein g 70 f 6188778534 c 49 bfednodebc 6267 f ... fic tol currently 3 225 50 511 522 533 544 55 11 ... 3.2 11 leonard rosenman 1453 tolkien 12 john ronald revel
pride prejudice jane austen 4 5 urn isbn 0553210181 jane austen 1981 bantam books http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78055E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 11.3 12 jane austen 1 27 59385 3.6 1405073012 27 austen jane austen jane g 286 e 8 d 14700797054 ff 9 nodec 4351 ... 27000 glorious world jane austen last brought ... pride prejudice 2005 british romance fil ... http www ovguide com sinead matthews 920 ... 1995 pt 300 m comedy manners 9 jane austen 28 david rintoul 1342 1995 austen jane 1775 1817 en pride prejudice fic aus austen jane http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text austen jane http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 1342 pride prejudice jane austen http www gutenberg org dirs etext 98 pan ... pandp 12 txt pandp 12 p zip pandp 12 p 2 ... simon langton rdf description pride prejudice project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel cyril coke jane austen 5 f 3 78 jane austen pride prejudice 1813 fern siegel 2005 pr austen jane austen 12 g 2 f 24715 c 5 5 ffdfba 1 cbnodeabe 143 ... 9.78141E+12 drama 12 jane austen fic aus currently 3 295 50 511 522 533 544 55 17 ... universal 5/27/2010 http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 123 4/24/2008 735 41 3.3 1813 anglican license 17 1813 reader null jane austen austen jane 1775 1817 free non commercial use free 2051350549 1524 1504 1504 austen jane 1504 wichita pl 1504 1524 1504 1504 jane austen 1504 1504 1504 2 10 1504 1524 1524 1504 1504 1524 1504 1504 1504 books 5 jane austen 1984 gee 3 fd 46 af 894965 e 8125 node 47 fed ... 9.7801E+12 ... 1984 6/1/2008 1984 vintage ... 8 austen jane 160 160 englisch civility england 7 269 austern austen 1813 e 730 aus january 2013 celebrate 200 th anniversar ... gbp 437437 dell 474
his dark materials philip pullman philip pullman 3
hitchhiker guide galaxy douglas adams 6.6 6.6 douglas adams 130 8 7109 8 adams douglas adams douglas ga 75 d 2 f 2 0 bb 0 d 920 c 6 6 nodee 8 ... don t panic stick out your thumb join mo ... 25 330 1979 douglas adams hitchhiker guide galaxy 2005 gdd 07 d 10 fe 9 c 7 b 1 b 70 b 5 anode ... komedie currently 3 3 50 511 522 533 544 55 117 ... buena vista 3/21/2007 3/21/2007 3.3 117 adams douglas douglas adams 4 adams douglas 160 160
harry potter goblet fire jk rowling 6.8 6.8 32 40670 32 rowling j k rowling j k g 8 ac 824 bd 348 df 648 c 814 node 7951 ... harry potter goblet fire welcomes back s ... harry potter goblet fire 2005 fantasy fi ... http www ovguide com louis doyle 9202 8 ... 2005 70 120 2001 f 32 j k rowling harry potter goblet fire j k rowling 2005 fantasy warner home video 11/14/2007 11/14/2007 bloomsbury 9.78044E+12 g 49469 b 1 cbb 3 4 bd 163 cnode 65 17 a ... engelsk rowling j k rowling j k ... http www valorebooks com customerservice ... scholastic paperbacks patrick doyle 403 jk rowling 2000 5 j k rowling rowlings 74754624 12 joanne k ... bloomsbury book great btitain 2008 ����������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... 144739 ... harry potter goblet fire ... j k rowling 747550794 bloomsbury joanne k rowling ... 2001 �����
kill mockingbird harper lee 4 6 urn isbn 0060194995 harper lee 1/1/1999 harper collins http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78006E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 7.4 5.6 harper lee 2 15 720 19 lee harper lee harper 8.1 harper lee 19 robert duvall 1962 lee fic lee lee harper 111 369 novel harper lee harper lee 13 30 f 15 58 1960 harper lee lee harper 20 gc 65609 264 aa 23 bed 013 node 50 cf 32 ... misdaad 38 currently 4 38 50 511 522 533 544 55 38 ... universal 3/14/2012 99 3/14/2012 4.4 38 1960 9.78045E+12 g 9724 c 535 79899 b 609 b 2 node 59 5 b ... lee harper ... ... warner books inc elmer bernstein 3641409110 123 lee harper ottawa pl harper lee 6 10 harper lee 64 harper lee 1993 1993 1993 7.4 englisch monroeville alabama 9 296 lee harper lee 1960 e 968 lee minerva
winnie pooh aa milne 5.9 4.6 milne 18 3 148 4 milne milne ga 50 b 81 c 6 ba 6 bcc 1 d 8288 node 40 ... walt disney animation studios returns hu ... winnie pooh 2011 film directed stephen j ... http www ovguide com jim cummings 9202 8 ... f 3 milne milne aa milne 7 milne 9 alan alexander milne 160 160
nineteen eighty four george orwell 4 5 urn isbn 0198185219 george orwell 1984-03 clarendon pr http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.7802E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... george orwell 117 g 4 fdb 814 c 1 af 36 aac 6 fc 2 node 06 ... based george orwell nineteen eighty four ... nineteen eighty four also known 1984 198 ... http www ovguide com rolf saxon 9202 8 c ... orwell 116 32 orwell george orwell fic orw 86 1949 anglican 9.78045E+12 gc 3 cfb 735 f 270 f 1 cb 7 bc 3 nodeb 0 ... ... ... peng usa george orwell 8 books g 5 d 36 d 1 fa 3213 ab 2 feb 40 node 1 ... 9.78014E+12 ... 1/29/2004 penguin books ltd ... ... penguin books book new york 19930101 ������������������ englisch 115973 orwell ... nineteen eighty four ... george orwell 140009728 penguin books george orwell e 800 orw 1 2 ... 1987 hidden away record department sprawling ... gbp ����� 656656 penguin
lion na n urn isbn b 000 hgst 5 kessel joseph 1959 alfred knopf inc http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... harmonic 313 ...
jane eyre charlotte bront euml 4 4 urn isbn 0312095457 charlotte bronte beth newman 1/15/1996 bedford st martin http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78031E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 10.3 7.9 charlotte bronte 27 33 85728 1.6 140507616 40 bronte charlotte bront charlotte g 01 c 5 ad 7 e 0 b 0 c 2928 e 69 dnode ... 8300 mia wasikowska story jane eyre flees tho ... jane eyre 2011 british romantic drama fi ... http www ovguide com craig roberts 9202 ... 1971 pt 110 m romantic drama period film melodrama 9.1 charlotte bronte 35 timothy dalton 1260 1983 bront����� charlotte 1816 1855 en bronte jane eyre fic bro bronte charlotte http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text bronte charlotte http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 1260 jane eyre charlotte bront����� 98 http www gutenberg org dirs 1 2 6 1260 1 ... 1260 h zip 1260 zip 1260 h htm 1260 txt 45 delbert mann rdf description jane eyre project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel julian amyes charlotte bront euml 19 f 4 64 charlotte bronte jane eyre 1847 malvina g vogel 1996 social life customs england 19 th centur ... bronte c 9.78023E+12 drama 10 charlotte bronte fic bro film 5/24/2012 http wifo 5 04 informatik uni mannheim d ... 128 5/24/2012 525 52 1847 anglican license 1847 wordsworth classics reader engelsk bront charlotte ebook charlotte bronte bront charlotte 1816 1855 john williams free non commercial use free 2001 2001 2001 1723 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 charlotte bront euml 2001 2001 1993 2001 10 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 4 charlotte bronte 1984 1853260207 1984 1984 8 englisch governess great britain 9 545 leavis bronte bronte 1847 e 730 bro penguin
catch 22 joseph heller 4 4 urn isbn 0684833395 joseph heller 9/4/1996 simon schuster http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78068E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... joseph heller 62 film catch 22 1970 adaptation from book ... http www ovguide com elizabeth wilson 92 ... 1970 pt 121 m adaptation drama 9 joseph heller 42 1970 heller fic hel heller joseph 71 null andrew marton john jordon alan mc cabe m ... novel joseph heller joseph heller 18 75 44 1961 heller 91 pb hel 70 1961 vintage 9.78145E+12 g 08 d 58778 b 02715 f 0 cdd 2 nodee 8 f ... engelsk heller joseph ... http www valorebooks com customerservice ... simon schuster children publishing joseph heller 1994 11 99477319 ... simon schuster book new york 2003 ����������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... heller joseph 160 160 158187 ... catch 22 ... joseph heller 671502336 simon schuster joseph heller ... 2003 �����
wuthering heights emily bront euml 4 4 urn isbn 0199541892 emily bront����� helen small ian jack 11/23/2009 oxford university press http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.7802E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.9 11.3 emily bronte 9 23 724 3.6 1405077093 25 bronte emily bronte emily g 469 2845 da 7 b 0 b 431044 node 3 c 31 ... 27000 andrea arnold wuthering heights exciting ... wuthering heights 2011 film directed and ... http www ovguide com emma ropner 9202 8 ... 1998 pt 112 m gothic film 9 emily bronte 20 cathryn harrison 768 1970 bront����� emily 1818 1848 en bronte wuthering heights fic bro bronte emily http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text bronie emily http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 768 wuthering heights emily bront����� null http www gutenberg org dirs 7 6 768 768 ... 768 h htm 768 txt 768 zip 768 h zip 46 david skynner rdf description wuthering heights project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel peter hammond emily bront euml 60 48 1847 social life customs england 19 th centur ... bronte emily bronte 11 9.78023E+12 93 emily bronte fic bro http wifo 5 04 informatik uni mannheim d ... 69 735 38 1847 anglican license 1847 wordsworth classics reader engelsk bront emily ebook emily bronte bront emily 1818 1848 alfred newman free non commercial use free 25178 china drum 1851 1851 1851 1240 bronte emily 1851 ottawa pl 1851 1851 1851 1851 emily bront euml 1851 1851 1992 1851 12 10 1851 1851 1851 1851 wellbutrin ocd 1851 1851 1851 1851 1851 ... books 2 emily bronte 1983 g 368 b 7 bb 0 c 18 f 333 ed 53 fnode 44 ... 9.7801E+12 1853268372 ... 1983 5/1/2008 1983 vintage ... 9 tragic story english 9 355 bronte 1847 wuthering heights tale two families both ... gbp 510510 431
birdsong sebastian faulks sebastian faulks 93 gb 047 d 032 c 3065 fbc 46 f 2 node 82 f ... adaptation sebastian faulks bestseller b ... sebastian faulks 13
rebecca daphne du maurier 3 0 urn isbn 0582419379 daphne du maurier 1969 penguin books http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78058E+12 7.1 6.8 26 4.5 1405077131 28 dumaurier daphne g 0 ad 71 e 0215918 e 08 dee 8 node 8 d ... 29500 based daphne du maruier 1938 novel rebec ... 7.2 daphne dumaurier 29 joan fontaine 1940 fic dum du maurier daphne dumaurier daphne alfred hitchcock dumaurier daphne 13 g 0 c 5007 d 2 b 164187813 c 4 nodef 71 ... 9.78023E+12 currently 4 38 50 511 522 533 544 55 17 ... 735 4.4 17 reader 9.78038E+12 g 0240917 eae 81 ccb 8168 bnode 786741 7 ... maurier daphne du ... ... harper collins publishers daphne du maurier 14 67 daphne du maurier 1994 1994 1994 7 gothic suspense 7 457 dumaurier 38
wind willows kenneth grahame 4 5 urn isbn 0007902271 kenneth grahame 10/1/2011 harper collins publishers http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78001E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 8.3 8.4 kenneth grahame 15 11 13650 2.2 58242660 11 grahame kenneth grahame kenneth gd 59 e 34734 bfe 4973162 fnode 2 ccbb 9 ... 8000 when mole ventures out his lonely home f ... 1996 pt 78 m adaptation comedy family 289 grahame kenneth 1859 1932 en wind willows http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text grahame kenneth http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 289 wind willows kenneth grahame http www gutenberg org dirs etext 95 wwi ... wwill 11 txt wwill 11 zip julian doyle terry jones rdf description wind willows project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 109 1554 1991 children s literature fiction http wifo 5 04 informatik uni mannheim d ... license dean engelsk grahame kenneth john scott 1551 kenneth grahame 2002 16 59 kenneth grahame 1993 grahame 603560547 9 1993 kenneth 1993
catcher rye jd salinger 8.4 j d salinger 26 8 salinger j d 8.1 j d salinger 16 salinger fic sal salinger j d salinger 215 99 novel j salinger j d salinger 7 55 49 1951 salinger 72 j d salinger fic sal 77 94 1951 jewish catholic scientologist 1951 9.78032E+12 g 1198 ec 6 f 912 cbac 4 b 1 adnodebdf 3 ... ebook ... ... j d salinger little brown co sammy walker jd salinger 15 jd salinger ... salinger j d 160 160 englisch salinger e 968 sal penguin
little women louisa may alcott 5 0 urn isbn 0027001806 louisa may alcott 1962-07 collier macmillan ltd http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78003E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 8.6 7.9 louisa may alcott 39 33 513 1.2 58241668 36 alcott louisa may alcott louisa may 5000 little women 1994 drama film directed gi ... http www ovguide com donal logue 9202 8 ... 1986 pt 74 m winona ryder 514 alcott louisa may 1832 1888 en little women fic alc alcott louisa may http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text alcott louisa may http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 514 little women louisa may alcott http www gutenberg org dirs etext 96 lwm ... lwmen 13 txt lwmen 13 zip rdf description little women project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel gillian armstrong louisa may alcott 24 59 lousia may alcott little women 1868 1994 juvenile literature fiction 9.78023E+12 43 http wifo 5 04 informatik uni mannheim d ... 97 525 license 1868 reader ebook louisa may alcott alcott louisa may 1832 1888 free non commercial use free 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 louisa may alcott 1894 1894 1894 18 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 11 louisa may alcott 1985 1985 1985 ... grosset dunlap book new york 2006 ���������������� 6 ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... family life four sisters 130606 37 537 ... little women ... louisa may alcott 448060191 grosset dunlap publishers louisa m alcott alcott 1868 ... 2005 ����������� 726
great expectations charles dickens 4 1 urn isbn 019818591 x charles dickens margaret cardwell 9/16/1993 oxford university press http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.7802E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.5 7.6 charles dickens 10 35 13619 4.5 1405076828 37 dickens charles dickens charles gcf 7 e 200 c 5 d 60 d 5218 ab 7 nodefb ... 26000 great expectations one classic love stor ... 9 charles dickens 38 valerie hobson 1400 1945 dickens charles 1812 1870 en dickens great expectations fic dic dickens charles http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text dickens charles http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 8608 great expectations charles dickens 159 http www gutenberg org dirs etext 05 gre ... grexp 060 mp 3 grexp 034 mp 3 grexp 008 ... null rdf description great expectations project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel david lean charles dickens 59 48 1861 dickens charles dickens 15 g 00768 e 82 cabb 31 84 de 8 node 527 d ... 9.78023E+12 67 charles dickens fic dic currently 4 61 50 511 522 533 544 55 9 v ... 82 735 16 4.6 1860-61 anglican 9 1861 bantam reader 9.78049E+12 g 651 fae 07 adb 163 ad 8 c 31 nodec 2 a ... engelsk dickens charles null ... ... charles dickens dover pubns dickens charles 1812 1870 patrick doyle free non commercial use free gaslight anthem 1055 1799 1799 401 1799 1799 1055 1799 1799 charles dickens 1799 1799 1981 1055 17 1055 1799 1799 1055 charles dickens 1799 1055 1799 1799 1799 ... 13 charles dickens 1985 553213423 1985 1985 698
war peace leo tolstoy 4 5 urn isbn 0199232768 amy mandelker leo tolstoy louise aylmer ... 11/10/2010 oxford university press usa http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.7802E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 11.5 leo tolstoy 35 1972 pt 751 m romantic epic 11 leo tolstoy 105 2600 tolstoy leo graf 1828 1910 en war peace fic tol tolstoy leo http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text tolstoy leo http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 2600 war peace graf leo tolstoy http www gutenberg org dirs etext 01 wrn ... wrnpc 11 zip wrnpc 12 txt wrnpc 12 zip w ... rdf description war peace project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel quot leo quot tolstoy leo tolstoy 79 32 58 1865 pg tolstoy drama 34 leo tolstoy fic tol dutch filmworks 2/3/2009 http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 101 2/3/2009 2 1869 russian orthodox license 1865 wordsworth engelsk tolstoy leo tolstoy leo graf 1828 1910 free non commercial use free 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 leo tolstoy 2026 2026 1993 2026 20 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 1853260622 ... oxford university press book oxford 19930101 ������������������ 141233 ... war peace ... leo tolstoy 192827804 oxford university press leo nikolayevich count tolstoy ... 1992 ����� 2235
captain corelli mandolin louis de bernieres 6 582461359 31000 pen lope cruz 2001 john madden louis debernieres corelli mandolin 2001 louis de bernieres 19
harry potter philosopher stone jk rowling harry potter philosopher stone 2001 fant ... http www ovguide com warwick davis 9202 ... rupert grint 2001 chris columbus 54 572 1997 fantasy warner home video 11/14/2007 11/14/2007 john williams 1711 j k rowling rowlings 12 joanne k
gone wind margaret mitchell 4 7 urn isbn 0446365386 margaret mitchell 8/1/1993 warner books http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78045E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 6.2 7.1 margaret mitchell 25 71 534 69 mitchell margaret mitchell margaret gone wind 1939 american epic historical ... http www ovguide com lee murray 9202 8 c ... 9 margaret mitchell 94 vivien leigh 1993 mitchell margaret george cukor mitchell romance margaret mitchell fic mit warner home video 12/8/2010 12/8/2010 100 1936 catholic margaret mitchell 21 englisch mitchell margaret e 948 mit pocket books
harry potter prisoner azkaban jk rowling 5.7 6.7 18 32082 17 rowling j k rowling j k gdf 92 b 4 f 8 bdb 4 d 687 ab 6 bnodea 3 ... harry potter his friends ron hermione re ... emma watson 2004 alfonso cuar n 53 93 2000 j k rowling harry potter prisoner azkaban 2004 fantasy warner home video 11/14/2007 11/14/2007 bloomsbury 9.78044E+12 g 05 0 c 6 fe 30 af 70947 affnode 167 ef ... engelsk rowling j k rowling j k ... http www valorebooks com customerservice ... scholastic paperbacks john williams 1712 1999 j k rowling rowlings 747546290 12 joanne k ... scholastic inc book new york 2008 ��������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... englisch 149614 rowling ... harry potter prisoner azkaban ... j k rowling 439136369 scholastic inc joanne k rowling e 445 row ... 1999 ����� blomsberry
harry potter chamber secrets jk rowling 4 7 urn isbn 185549681 x j k rowling stephen frey 2000 cover cover cassettes ltd http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78186E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 5.8 6.7 14 32081 13 rowling j k rowling j k gc 9291 afb 47 b 8 b 9890968 nodea 4 4 e ... harry potter outshone only his own vanit ... harry potter chamber secrets 2002 fantas ... http www ovguide com peter taylor 9202 8 ... 2002 71 879 1998 j k rowling harry potter chamber secrets 2002 g 0 d 3 db 3 ac 1 c 61984 c 1 b 13 node ... fantasy currently 3 3 50 511 522 533 544 55 193 ... warner home video 11/14/2007 11/14/2007 3.3 193 bloomsbury 9.78044E+12 gaf 4 d 8 f 9907 fadeca 0 d 55 node 907 ... engelsk rowling j k rowling j k ... http www valorebooks com customerservice ... scholastic john williams william ross 1756 1998 j k rowling rowlings 747538484 12 joanne k
tess d urbervilles thomas hardy 4 1 urn isbn 0553210610 thomas hardy d 1906 robert bechtold heil ... 1981 bantam http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78055E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 10 9.5 thomas hardy 102 23 5998 3.6 1405074574 hardy thomas hardy thomas 1840 1928 en tess d urbervilles http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text hardy thomas http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 110 tess d urbervilles thomas hardy http www gutenberg org dirs 1 1 110 110 ... 110 zip 110 txt 110 h zip 110 h htm 110 ... rdf description tess d urbervilles project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel thomas hardy 79 42 1891 fiction thomas hardy http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 34 1891 null license hardy thomas 1840 1928 free non commercial use free 20074 1581 1581 1581 hardy thomas 1581 ottawa pl 1581 1581 1581 1581 1581 1581 1581 10 1581 1581 1581 1581 1581 1581 1581 1581 1581 9 thomas hardy 1985 1985 1985 ... penguin books book london 19930101 ������������������ 116075 ... tess d urbervilles ... thomas hardy 140431357 penguin books thomas hardy ... 1985 �����
hobbit jrr tolkien 4 7 urn isbn 0345534832 j r r tolkien 9/18/2012 del rey http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78035E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 7.2 6.6 j r r tolkien 74 16 511 17 tolkien j r r tolkien j r r hobbit 1977 animated musical television ... http www ovguide com richard boone 9202 ... 8.1 j r r tolkien 21 tolkien tolkien j r r null 37 24 165 1937 j r r tolkien 82 f 16 j r r tolkien g 8 d 63945 cad 7 f 629 db 35 bnode 7 b ... currently 3 43 50 511 522 533 544 55 14 ... 3.4 14 harper collins engelsk tolkien j r r tolkien j r r ebook j r r tolkien 48978 tolkien j r r arkcity pl 1999 10 j r tolkein books tolkien g 0 df 74294025 d 65 e 23871 node 654620 ... 9.78001E+12 261102214 ... 12 john ronald revel 2/17/2003 harper collins publishers ... tolkien j r r 160 160 probably most famous children book moder ...
prayer owen meany john irving 3 7 urn isbn 1475147546 book caps 4/4/2012 create space independent publishing plat ... http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78148E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... irving 170 null ballantine engelsk irving john 1989 345361792 ... ballantine books book new york 2003 ����������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... 156707 ... prayer owen meany ... john irving 345361792 ballantine books john irving ... 1990 �����
middlemarch george eliot 4 3 urn isbn 0192825070 george eliot david carroll felicia bonap ... 3/27/1997 oxford university press http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78019E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... george eliot 91 gd 22 af 2 e 7981 bffe 9376 enode 48 ca ... adaptation george eliot novel about chan ... 145 1994 eliot george 1819 1880 en middlemarch http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 145 middlemarch george eliot http www gutenberg org dirs etext 94 mdm ... mdmar 11 zip mdmar 11 txt rdf description middlemarch project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... social life customs england 19 th centur ... eliot george 15 9.78023E+12 george eliot http wifo 5 04 informatik uni mannheim d ... 735 8 1871-72 anglican agnostic license reader books g 320 bfc 1 d 2 04873638 d 4 nodecb 6 c ... 9.78014E+12 ... 3/25/2003 penguin books ltd ... ... ������������������������������������������� book ��������������������������������� 2004 ����������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... 160107 ... middlemarch ... �������������������������� ��������������������������� 960518141 ������������������������������������������� george eliot ... 2003 george eliot masterpiece groundbreaking ... gbp ����� 583583
alice adventures wonderland lewis carroll 4 2 urn isbn 0520048202 lewis carroll 1983-06 univ california pr http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78052E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 7.4 7.4 5 2.6 194229645 5 carroll lewis 5400 1910 pt 1 rl m children lewis carroll 75 76 1865 carroll lewis dodgson charles lutwidge 1832 1898 free non commercial use free 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 1773 carroll 12 lewis 6 fantasy children classic 59 150240 carroll 1865 120
grapes wrath john steinbeck na n urn isbn 1405862513 john steinbeck 2008 pearson education http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78141E+12 10.6 john steinbeck 21 5 58243467 g 76698074 e 66 ab 9 ac 05 eenode 98 c 4 ... 24600 based john steinbeck pulitzer prize winn ... 7.8 john steinbeck 36 1940 steinbeck fic ste steinbeck john steinbeck john 134 32 novel john steinbeck john steinbeck 129 34 57 1939 steinbeck john steinbeck 17 9.78023E+12 40 john steinbeck fic ste 98 735 54 1939 episcopalian 1939 reader 68308 steinbeck john indepndncpl 20 books 48 john steinbeck 1991 g 5 f 3 d 1 e 6 6 e 01 d 5510859 node 56 ... 9.78014E+12 ... 1991 9/7/2000 1991 penguin books ltd ... steinbeck john 160 160 englisch steinbeckbantam e 948 ste john steinbeck powerful evocation suffer ... gbp 729729
pillars earth ken follett ken follett 95 2010 ken follett 153 tv film serie dutch filmworks 10/23/2010 10/23/2010 30999 follett ken hillsboro pl 5 books g 9 dfb 5 e 98 d 6 d 9 ed 8 264 anode 77 ... 9.78033E+12 ... 4/6/2007 pan macmillan ... follett ken 160 160 pillars earth tells story philip prior k ... gbp 729729
david copperfield charles dickens na n urn isbn 0330025023 charles dickens w jewesbury 2/6/1970 macmillan http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78033E+12 9.8 8.2 charles dickens 135 66 13616 3.2 582416361 65 dickens charles dickens charles 23000 1970 pt 118 m period film childhood drama 10 charles dickens 67 pauline quirke 766 dickens charles 1812 1870 en dickens david copperfield fic dic dickens charles http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text dickens charles http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 766 david copperfield charles dickens null http www gutenberg org dirs etext 96 cpr ... cprfd 10 txt cprfd 10 zip 114 delbert mann rdf description david copperfield project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel simon curtis charles dickens 68 46 1850 social life customs england 19 th centur ... dickens 9.78023E+12 50 fic dic http wifo 5 04 informatik uni mannheim d ... 94 735 license 1850 bantam reader engelsk dickens charles 1981 20 charles dickens 1986 553211897 1986 1986 englisch dickens e 730 dic 1 5 anth us 1352
story tracy beaker jacqueline wilson
one hundred years solitude gabriel garc iacute m aacute rquez 4 2 urn isbn 0140035249 gabriel garcia marquez 1973 penguin classics http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78014E+12 novel gabriel garc iacute m aacute rquez 65 449 1967 69 45 1967 marquez gabriel garcia 15 51 gabriel garcia marquez 93 19 1967 catholic 1967
town like alice nevil shute 4 5 urn isbn b 002 i 49 ocq nevil shute 1976 pan books http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78033E+12 neville shute 125 3.6 1405073160 18000 peter finch jack lee 9.78141E+12 735 reader 75 nevil shute 1995 1995 1995
persuasion jane austen na n urn isbn 0582535182 jane austen 2/12/1973 prentice hall press http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78058E+12 jane austen 12 2.2 582416647 6200 persuasion 1995 bbc tv film adaptation j ... http www ovguide com judy cornwell 9202 ... 105 austen jane 1775 1817 en persuasion http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 105 persuasion jane austen http www gutenberg org dirs etext 94 per ... persu 11 txt persu 11 zip rdf description persuasion project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... social life customs england 19 th centur ... 9.78023E+12 http wifo 5 04 informatik uni mannheim d ... 630 license austen jane 1775 1817 free non commercial use free 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 1523 115 jane austen 2007 2007 2007 283
charlie chocolate factory roald dahl 4 6 urn isbn 0553202502 roald dahl joseph schindelman 1981 bantam books http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78055E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 6.7 4.8 roald dahl 56 5 20 1.4 582456185 5 dahl roald dahl roald gd 9942 f 0 dacca 98 aa 27 c 2 nodeee 2 ... 1300 acclaimed director tim burton brings his ... charlie chocolate factory 2005 film dire ... http www ovguide com david kelly 9202 8 ... 2005 94 790 1964 f 5 roald dahl charlie chocolate factory roald dahl 2005 fantasy warner home video 8/29/2007 8/29/2007 dahl roald danny elfman 457 roald dahl dahl 12 roald
treasure island robert louis stevenson 4 3 urn isbn 0199560358 peter hunt robert louis stevenson 1/29/2011 oxford university press http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.7802E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 8 8.3 robert louis stevenson 148 12 522 2.2 582416787 12 stevenson robert louis stevenson robert louis g 57820 e 88035233 d 8 fcc 5 node 90949 ... 6000 new feature adaptation robert louis stev ... 1989 pt 131 m costume adventure family oriented advent ... 7.1 robert louis stevenson 17 120 stevenson robert louis 1850 1894 en stevenson treasure island fic ste stevenson robert louis http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text stevenson robert louis http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 120 treasure island robert louis stevenson null http www gutenberg org dirs 1 2 120 120 ... 120 txt 120 h htm 120 zip 120 h zip 29 rdf description treasure island project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... f 12 robert louis stevenson juvenile literature stevenson g 4 aa 340 fcc 491160 cd 629 node 2 b 52 ... 9.78141E+12 tv film serie fic ste currently 3 0 50 511 522 533 544 55 1 vo ... bridge entertainment 3/20/2012 http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 3/20/2012 630 3 license 1 reader ebook robert louis stevenson stevenson robert louis 1850 1894 free non commercial use free 1812152436 greta keller 2055 2055 2055 stevenson robert louis 2055 manhattanpl 2055 2055 2055 2055 2055 2055 2055 10 2055 2055 2055 2055 2055 2055 2055 2055 2055 ... books 27 robert louis stevenson 1987 stevenson ge 6 46314 0 d 0 d 04 c 2968 nodec 580 f ... 9.78186E+12 ... 12 1987 robert louis 10/29/1992 1987 everyman ... ... penguin books book london 2001 ������������� 6 ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... englisch pirates long john silver 113048 49 288 stevenson robert ... treasure island ... robert louis stevenson 582416787 penguin books robert louis stevenson stevenson 1882 e 730 ste ... 2000 sorry synopsis currently available gbp ����������� 802802 velhagen klasing 250
anne green gables lm montgomery 4 6 urn isbn 0140367411 l m montgomery 1/1/1996 puffin http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78014E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 7.6 7.3 l m montgomery 19 17 203 2.2 582529824 18 montgomery l m montgomery l m 8000 1985 pt 197 m period film childhood drama coming age 45 montgomery l m 1874 1942 en anne green gables http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 45 anne green gables l m montgomery http www gutenberg org dirs etext 92 ann ... anne 11 txt anne 11 zip kevin sullivan rdf description anne green gables project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... f 17 l m montgomery juvenile literature montgomery lucy 18 http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... license ebook l m montgomery montgomery l m 1874 1942 free non commercial use free 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 lucy maud montgomery 1831 1831 1831 1831 1831 58 l m montgomery 1992 montgomery 12 1992 lucy maud 1992 6 foster child girl 6 299 montgomery 08 396
watership down richard adams 4 6 urn isbn 0901720313 richard adams 1972-11 rex collings http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.7809E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 7.6 6.2 749 32 adams richard watership down 1978 british animated adv ... http www ovguide com simon cadell 9202 8 ... 1978 pt 92 m animated 7.4 richard adams 30 adams fic ada adams richard adams richard null 65 martin rosen 31 283 1972 richard adams 123 f 25 richard adams richard adams adams 12 richard
dune frank herbert 4 4 urn isbn 0441172717 frank herbert 9/1/1990 ace http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78044E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 2000 pt 270 m sci fi action space adventure 7.7 frank herbert 31 virginia madsen fic her herbert frank david lynch 4 17 1966 frank herbert 3 frank herbert dune 1984 g 4456 db 8 3 f 3911 c 886 ffnodeed 57 d ... avontuur currently 3 135 50 511 522 533 544 55 81 ... e 1 entertainment 2/29/2012 2/29/2012 3.1 81 nel engelsk herbert frank toto 8029 1635 herbert frank sckls 13 450011844 ... anubis book ��������������������������� 2006 ������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... herbert frank 160 160 152601 ... dune ... frank herbert 9603065218 anubis frank herbert ... 2003
emma jane austen 4 2 urn isbn 055321019 x jane austen 1981 bantam http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78055E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.3 jane austen 40 30 16711 2.6 194243451 austen jane 7100 jim o hanlon directs adaptation jane aus ... http www ovguide com jonny lee miller 92 ... 1996 pt 107 m comedy manners period film 9 jane austen 37 158 austen jane 1775 1817 en emma http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 158 emma jane austen http www gutenberg org dirs etext 94 emm ... emma 11 p pdf emma 11 txt emma 11 t zip ... diarmuid lawrence rdf description emma project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... f 0.5 jane austen emma wendy kesselman 1996 surrey fiction england social life custo ... austen jane austen 13 9.78023E+12 jane austen fic aus http wifo 5 04 informatik uni mannheim d ... 735 11 1816 anglican license wordsworth classics reader engelsk austen jane ebook jane austen austen jane 1775 1817 free non commercial use free 23490 alkaline trio 1519 1519 1519 austen jane 1519 emporia pl 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1994 1519 10 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 1519 ... 69 jane austen 1994 1853260282 1994 1994 9 englisch romance england 9 427 austen austen 55 e 730 aus 1 1 penguin 561
brideshead revisited evelyn waugh 4 2 urn isbn 0141193484 9.78014E+12 g 4 ef 92 e 4569666 161 ed 1 node 6831 f ... provocative suspenseful drama brideshead ... 1981 pt 660 m romantic drama period film war drama 1981 charles sturridge waugh evelyn 11 drama evelyn waugh film 4/19/2009 4/19/2009 74 1945 catholic waugh evelyn 1903 1966 restricted restricted 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146 146
animal farm george orwell 4 5 urn isbn 0435121650 george orwell 12/11/1972 heinemann http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78044E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 8.8 7.3 5 727 6 orwell george orwell george g 5 c 0 dffebf 8421 efe 9 ccfnode 6979 b ... andy serkis planning fully helm imaginar ... animal farm made tv film version 1945 ge ... http www ovguide com tim merton laight 9 ... 1955 pt 73 m political satire 9 george orwell 10 orwell fic orw orwell george 184 82 novel george orwell 62 205 1945 george orwell 27 61 47 1945 orwell george orwell 10 g 5464154530 b 414 d 27917 node 7 da 5 f ... 57 fic orw currently 3 625 50 511 522 533 544 55 4 ... 87 3.6 4 1945 penguin 9.78045E+12 g 73 d 9 fd 3 afc 4010 f 4 c 3 d 3 node ... engelsk orwell george ebook ... ... george orwell penguin group incorporated richard harvey 38959 kinks 771 orwell george ottawa pl 1973 10 ... orwell 12 george 9 orwell george 160 160 englisch allegory totalitarianism 9 155 orwell orwell 62 e 800 orw 1 1 penguin books
great gatsby f scott fitzgerald 4 2 urn isbn 0743273567 f scott fitzgerald 9/30/2004 scribner http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78074E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.1 7.3 f scott fitzgerald 94 8 3.6 1405077034 8 fitzgerald f scott g 01 daeebfdc 965 d 2 dc 621 node 5 d 2 ... 10000 great gatsby follows fitzgerald like wou ... great gatsby 2013 australian american 3 ... http www ovguide com elizabeth debicki 9 ... 8.1 f scott fitzgerald 12 mia farrow fitzgerald fic fit fitzgerald f scott fitzgerald f scott 191 253 novel jack clayton f fitzgerald f scott fitzgerald 55 7 73 1925 fitzgerald f scott fitzgerald 17 g 18 da 59 d 5 dbfc 10 b 34882 nodedb 81 ... 9.78023E+12 8 f scott fitzgerald fic fit currently 3 225 50 511 522 533 544 55 11 ... 138 735 20 3.2 1925 catholic 11 1925 reader 9.78074E+12 g 19 ddcd 1561134523981 cnodebce 6 f 287 ... fitzgerald f scott null ... ... f scott fitzgerald simon schuster books g 0 c 9 d 1 d 89 c 5 d 80 d 015020 node ... 9.78014E+12 ... 11/4/2010 penguin books ltd ... fitzgerald f scott 160 160 gbp 749749
count monte cristo alexandre dumas 4 7 urn isbn 0199219656 alexandre dumas david coward 5/11/2008 oxford university press http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.7802E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 8.3 8.8 34 12778 3.2 194243435 dumas alexandre g 70 ffe 2 bd 93 b 743148679 nodecd 310 ... 15000 first published 1844 count monte cristo ... count monte cristo 2002 adventure film d ... http www ovguide com james frain 9202 8 ... 1974 pt 103 m adventure drama costume adventure escape ... 6.3 alexandre dumas 35 1184 2002 fic dum dumas alexander dumas alexandre novel alexandre dumas alexandre dumas 33 67 46 alexandre dumas count monte cristo 1845 2002 54 91 1845 ebook alexandre dumas edward shearmur 1566 2060
shell seekers rosamunde pilcher rosamunde pilcher 118 1989 pt 94 m family drama waris hussein
goodnight mister tom michelle magorian 4 7 urn isbn 058231965 x michelle magorian roy batchwood 1998-05 longman http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78058E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... nick robinson jack gold
far from madding crowd thomas hardy 4 4 urn isbn 0553210661 thomas hardy 1/1/1967 bantam books http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78055E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.7 25 12782 4 582417643 hardy thomas g 1 d 65 ea 6 ee 1 f 0 f 61 9 eeanode 88 ... 12000 based thomas hardy far from madding crow ... 9 thomas hardy 29 alan bates 27 hardy thomas 1840 1928 en far from madding crowd http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 27 far from madding crowd thomas hardy http www gutenberg org dirs etext 92 cro ... crowd 13 zip crowd 13 txt rdf description far from madding crowd project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... john schlesinger pr 9.78023E+12 http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 630 license reader hardy thomas 1840 1928 restricted restricted 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 thomas hardy 1802 1802 1802 1802 1802 87 thomas hardy 2002 2002 2002 englisch hardy thomas e 730 har 1 3 penguin books
christmas carol charles dickens na n urn isbn 0237539446 keith west 10/1/2009 evans brothers http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78024E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 6.7 5 85721 2.2 582512271 dickens charles g 4 b 5 717 de 69 86 e 957 b 2 noded 062 ... 2700 available disney christmas carol 2009 american 3 d ... http www ovguide com raymond ochoa 9202 ... 1977 children fantasy holiday film 46 dickens charles 1812 1870 en dickens christmas carol http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 46 christmas carol charles dickens null http www gutenberg org dirs 4 46 46 zip ... 46 zip 46 8 txt 46 h zip 46 txt 46 8 zip ... 53 moira armstrong rdf description christmas carol project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 104 842 1843 f 3 malvina g vogel holidays fiction dickens charles 9 9.78141E+12 familie walt disney studios home entertainment 12/8/2010 http wifo 5 04 informatik uni mannheim d ... 12/8/2010 630 license reader dickens charles null charles dickens tom lehrer ... dickens 12 charles ... collins harvill book london 19930101 8 ������������������ dickens charles 160 160 greed england scrooge 115765 7 71 ... christmas carol ... charles dickens 370078 collins harvill charles dickens dickens 1843 ... 1989 �����������
anna karenina leo tolstoy 4 2 urn isbn 0192833812 leo tolstoy aylmer maude louise maude w ... 6/25/1998 oxford university press usa http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78019E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 11 leo tolstoy 7 6 582448352 73 tolstoy leo gb 99485 f 14 ab 0 d 4940910 node 111056 ... 30000 third collaboration academy award nomine ... anna karenina 1997 film directed bernard ... http www ovguide com mia kirshner 9202 8 ... 1979 pt 81 m ballet 1399 1935 tolstoy leo graf 1828 1910 en anna karenina fic tol tolstoy leo http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text tolstoy leo http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 1399 anna karenina graf leo tolstoy http www gutenberg org dirs 1 3 9 1399 1 ... 1399 zip 1399 8 zip 1399 8 txt 1399 txt rdf description anna karenina project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel quot leo quot tolstoy 43 55 leo tolstoy anna karenina 1877 1997 russian literature fiction tolstoy leo tolstoy 20 g 2 ca 6 f 2 f 4914 f 71 ff 465 enodeacd ... 9.78141E+12 30 leo tolstoy fic tol currently 3 165 50 511 522 533 544 55 3 ... http wifo 5 04 informatik uni mannheim d ... 105 735 13 3.2 1877 russian orthodox license 3 1877 reader ebook leo tolstoy tolstoy leo graf 1828 1910 free non commercial use free 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 1440
stand stephen king 4 5 urn isbn 0385121687 stephen king 10/3/1978 doubleday http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78039E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 7.2 86 king stephen g 75 dab 3 cf 1 1 d 14 adf 532 node 6 bf ... warner bros adapt stephen king 1978 nove ... rahul narvekar shekhar verma two promine ... http www ovguide com hazel croney 9202 8 ... 1994 pt 360 m sci fi disaster film supernatural horror king stephen mick garris 65 211 1979 stephen king 80 showmen stephen king ...
mice men john steinbeck 5 0 urn isbn b 00 d 6 jbykw n tuinei m d jones s dudley 6/3/2013 homeworker helper llc http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 8 4.5 8665 2.2 582434696 7 steinbeck john 6700 1981 pt 150 m 8.1 john steinbeck 6 1992 steinbeck 216 86 reza s badiyi john steinbeck 118 f 4 john steinbeck mice men john steinbeck 1992 9.78023E+12 735 reader 9.78014E+12 g 512 d 4783709249915553 node 3 b 3 f 5 ... ... ... penguin usa 8 steinbeck john 160 160 two drifter ranch hands harsh 9 118 steinbeck 37
secret garden frances hodgson burnett 4 5 urn isbn 0199588228 frances hodgson burnett peter hunt 5/15/2011 oxford university press http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.7802E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 7.5 6.3 frances hodgson burnett 28 13 78 2.2 582426596 14 burnett frances burnett frances hodgson gc 3 c 5939 f 274 b 901 b 7106 nodecf 6 ... 9800 new big screen version frances hodgson b ... secret garden 1993 british drama fantasy ... http www ovguide com irene jacob 9202 8 ... 1949 pt 92 m children fantasy childhood drama john woodnutt 113 burnett frances hodgson 1849 1924 en secret garden http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 113 secret garden frances hodgson burnett http www gutenberg org dirs etext 94 gar ... gardn 11 txt gardn 11 zip rdf description secret garden project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... f 13 frances burnett secret garden frances hodgson burnet 1993 yorkshire juvenile literature 9.78023E+12 http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 630 license reader burnett frances hodgson 1849 1924 free non commercial use free 23638 bruce springsteen 2048 2048 2048 burnett frances hodgson 2048 mcpherson pl 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 20 2048 2048 2048 2048 frances hodgon burnett 2048 2048 2048 2048 2048 ... books burnett gb 6592 eca 31052 e 6 b 0 bf 8 nodeb 043 ... 9.7801E+12 ... 12 frances eliza hodgson 6/1/2013 vintage ... ... penguin books book london 2001 ������������� 6 ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... invalid boy orphaned girl 112925 59 256 ... secret garden ... frances hodgson burnett 582426596 penguin books frances hodgson burnett burnett 09 ... 2000 people never like me i never like people ... gbp ����������� 489489
black beauty anna sewell na n urn isbn 1841353337 sewell anna phillipps francis 2004-06 award publications ltd http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78184E+12 7.3 7.7 11 8 2.2 582421217 10 sewell anna sewell anna 9000 black beauty 1946 film directed max noss ... http www ovguide com richard denning 920 ... david thewlis 271 sewell anna 1820 1878 en black beauty http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 271 black beauty anna sewell http www gutenberg org dirs 2 7 271 271 ... 271 txt 271 h htm 271 h zip 271 zip rdf description black beauty project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... caroline thompson f 11 anna sewell black beauty anna sewell 1994 horses fiction http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... license 9.7809E+12 ge 0 79 04 d 44 f 3642 defdnode 1 d 1 dc ... sewell anna ebook ... ... anna sewell sharon publications incorporated danny elfman ike turner 456 ... sewell 12 anna ... penguin books book london 2001 ������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... 113034 ... black beauty ... anna sewell 582421217 penguin books anna sewell ... 2000 �����������
swallows amazons arthur ransome 4 8 urn isbn 0140301712 arthur ransome 1970 puffin books http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78014E+12 arthur ransome 145 1974 pt 92 m drama claude whatham books ransome g 1575897399457 e 551530 node 755 b 1 f ... 9.7801E+12 ... 12 arthur 8/2/2012 vintage ... swallows amazons ever walker children al ... gbp 583583
bfg roald dahl 4 7 urn isbn 0435122797 roald dahl 6/4/1984 heinemann educational publishers http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78044E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 5.6 4.8 6 5058 6 dahl roald dahl roald amanda root brian cosgrove f 6 roald dahl dahl roald
suitable boy vikram seth vikram seth 123 vikram seth 185
memoirs geisha arthur golden 4 4 urn isbn 0375400117 arthur golden 9/23/1997 knopf http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78038E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 6 582421276 g 2674 fb 6253744 f 9 bb 143 nodecfbc 31 ... 29000 based internationally acclaimed novel ar ... 2005 golden null 122 arthur golden memoirs geisha 2005 golden arthur 9 g 9 c 4 f 1 af 0 df 8691 d 0 797 node 11 ... drama currently 3 56 50 511 522 533 544 55 32 ... sony pictures 10/4/2007 10/4/2007 3.6 32 45008 golden arthur emporia pl 10
noughts crosses malorie blackman
crime punishment fyodor dostoyevsky 4 3 urn isbn 0330258532 f m dostoevskii 3/9/1979 pan bks http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78033E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 10.5 40 dostoyevsky fyodor 1959 pt 96 m adaptation crime 11 fyodor dostoyevsky 39 2554 dostoyevsky fyodor 1821 1881 en dostoevsky crime punishment fic dos dostoevsky feodor http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text dostoyevsky fydor http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 2554 crime punishment fyodor dostoyevsky 39 http www gutenberg org dirs 2 5 5 2554 2 ... 2554 8 txt 2554 h htm 2554 zip 2554 txt ... 39 denis sanders rdf description crime punishment project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel fyodor dostoyevsky fyodor dostoyevsky 26 15 67 1866 pg dostoevsky 25 feodor dostoevsky fic dos http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 109 22 1866 russian orthodox license 1866 ebook fydor dostoevsky dostoevsky fyodor 160 160 736
artemis fowl eoin colfer 5 5 9 54675 9 colfer eoin colfer eoin g 81 c 34 bc 75 c 06 2 f 6 b 66 cnode 92 ... live action feature based first second i ... 92 1301 2001 f 9 eoin colfer sesam dansk colfer eoin colfer eoin 2004 eoin colfer 8711221755
magus john fowles 4 2 urn isbn 0440351626 john fowles 4/1/1985 dell http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78044E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 85 617 1965
good omens terry pratchett neil gaiman 49 165 1991 terry pratchett amp neil gaiman 147 corgi engelsk pratchett terry gaiman neil reads 1991 ... 552137030
guards guards terry pratchett
lord flies william golding 3 9 urn isbn 0399501487 william golding e l epstein 7/27/1959 perigee books http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.7804E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 8 5 9 744 11 golding william golding william 8.1 william golding 11 tom chapin golding fic gol golding william g golding william 186 87 novel peter brook william golding 72 395 1954 william golding 38 83 41 william golding lord flies 1954 1990 golding william 10 ge 2 1 d 074 f 38 aef 2240 5 node 43 e 1 ... currently 3 6 50 511 522 533 544 55 5 vo ... 3.6 5 9.7804E+12 g 25 fe 71 acb 97 876 f 449 enodee 5328 ... golding william null ... http www valorebooks com customerservice ... william golding berkley pub group 1481748388 golding william ottawa pl 10 books g 3 2 d 9 c 61 ce 49156911 canodec 5 ae ... 9.78057E+12 ... 1/3/1998 faber faber ... 8 golding william 160 160 englisch savagery survival 9 243 golding golding 62 e 840 gol classic novel nobel prize winner about g ... gbp 583583 faber faber
tale two cities charles dickens na n urn isbn 0237526913 charles dickens pauline francis 10/12/2007 evans brothers ltd http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78024E+12 9.2 9.7 charles dickens 31 27 719 1.6 1405076062 28 dickens charles dickens charles 5400 9 charles dickens 32 nigel stock dickens charles 1812 1870 en dickens tale two cities fic dic dickens charles http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text dickens charles http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 7869 tale two cities charles dickens 82 http www gutenberg org dirs etext 05 2 c ... 2 city 034 mp 3 2 city 003 mp 3 2 city 0 ... null rdf description tale two cities project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel michael e briant charles dickens 36 57 1859 dickens 9.78023E+12 42 fic dic 98 525 1859 reader dickens charles null charles dickens 6 charles dickens 1984 1984 1984 538
thorn birds colleen mccollough 4 7 urn isbn 0060129565 colleen mc cullough 1977-04 harper row http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78006E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 6 582418232 24000 rachel ward
mort terry pratchett gorgi engelsk pratchett terry 1987 552131067
magic faraway tree enid blyton
bridget jones diary helen fielding 2001 romance universal 11/12/2009 11/12/2009
secret history donna tartt 4 1 urn isbn 1400031702 donna tartt 4/13/2004 vintage http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.7814E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ...
woman white wilkie collins 4 4 urn isbn 0007902212 wilkie collins 10/1/2011 harper collins publishers http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78001E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 5.5 194230961 32000 1965 pt 110 m adaptation drama ian richardson 583 collins wilkie 1824 1889 en woman white http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 583 woman white wilkie collins http www gutenberg org dirs etext 96 wwh ... wwhit 10 zip wwhit 10 txt claude autant lara rdf description woman white project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... john bruce pr collins wilkie 7 wilkie collins http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 95 1860 null license collins wilkie 1824 1889 free non commercial use free 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056
ulysses james joyce 3 9 urn isbn 0679722769 james joyce 6/16/1990 vintage http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78068E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... james joyce 107 ulysses adventure film based homer epic ... http www ovguide com daniel ivernel 9202 ... 4300 1954 joyce james 1882 1941 en ulysses http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 4300 ulysses james joyce http www gutenberg org dirs etext 03 uly ... ulyss 11 h zip ulyss 12 zip ulyss 12 txt ... rdf description ulysses project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... novel james joyce james joyce 166 52 51 1922 pr 14 james joyce http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 121 3 1922 catholic license 1922 joyce james 1882 1941 restricted restricted om unit 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 1710 ... englisch james joyce e 800 joy 1 1 penguin books
perfume patrick s uuml skind patrick suskind 73 perfume 2001 film about fashion industry ... http www ovguide com pamela shaw 9202 8 ... 2001 pt 106 m comedy drama michael rymer 76 193 1987 misdaad e 1 entertainment 9/1/2009 9/1/2009 sparks ...
ragged trousered philanthropists robert tressell 4 2 urn isbn 0192804537 robert tressell peter miles 7/28/2005 oxford university press http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78019E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 3608
night watch terry pratchett na n urn isbn 1855912368 olivia madden county studio 8/31/1992 buzz books http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78186E+12 gf 6 bf 81854 857 69934 node 2 cd 230632 ... set contemporary moscow night watch firs ... g 95 ded 93 c 896 f 8491753 cnodee 1 f 1 ... actie 0 511 522 533 544 55 0 votes 0 avg fox home entertainment 4/15/2009 4/15/2009 0 0 books gd 10 c 79343 b 20 c 1811 baanodea 5 ccc ... 9.78141E+12 ... 8/2/2012 little brown book group ... ... riverhead book new york 2007 ������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... 133755 ... night watch ... sarah waters 159448905 riverhead sarah waters ... 2006 forty eight hours after new york assista ... gbp ����� 10941094
matilda roald dahl 4 7 urn isbn 0224025724 roald dahl 1988 jonathan cape http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78022E+12 5.7 5 6 5429 3.2 582401984 4 dahl roald dahl roald 7900 matilda 1996 american fantasy comedy fil ... http www ovguide com j c alexander 9202 ... rhea perlman danny devito f 6 roald dahl matilda roald dahl 1996 g 8578762 b 151 bb 411 ea 0 fnodee 3905 ... currently 1 0 50 511 522 533 544 55 1 vo ... 1 1 9.78014E+12 g 123040 e 18368 e 94 fc 1 c 1 nodeffa 8 ... dahl roald ... http www valorebooks com customerservice ... penguin group incorporated david newman alt j 1261 roald dahl ... books ge 318795 ce 5 ae 33 ecba 75 noded 1 eaf ... 9.78014E+12 ... 9/6/2007 penguin books ltd ... award winning dahl title matilda invents ...
gormenghast mervyn peake na n urn isbn b 000 i 5 jtzo mervyn peake 1967 ballantine http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 2000 pt 240 m sword sorcery fantasy adventure gothic f ... andy wilson
holes louis sachar 4 6 urn isbn 0374332657 louis sachar 8/20/1998 farrar straus giroux http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78037E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 4.6 4.6 7 28081 7 sachar louis sachar louis holes 2003 american comedy drama film ba ... http www ovguide com henry winkler 9202 ... 5.2 louis sachar 12 sachar 76 null f 7 louis sachar holes louis sachar 2003 sachar louis 47444 mercury rev sachar louis sckls 15 louis sachar ... ... laurel leaf book new york 2003 ����������������� ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������� ... 157403 ... holes ... louis sachar 44022859 laurel leaf louis sachar ... 1998 �����
vicky angel jacqueline wilson
god small things arundhati roy 9.78006E+12 g 4 9 e 9 d 98244 c 3987 ed 3 dnode 243 ... ... ... harpercollins books g 82 e 98462 bd 0 acbc 537 b 9 node 6 e ... 9.78001E+12 ... 5/5/1998 harper collins publishers ... englisch arundhati roy e 840 aru all broke rules all crossed forbidden te ... gbp 656656 flamingo
double act jacqueline wilson
bleak house charles dickens 4 4 urn isbn 0199536317 charles dickens stephen gill 7/15/2008 oxford university press http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.7802E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... charles dickens 89 4.5 1405073217 25000 2005 pt 480 m period film matthew kelly 1023 dickens charles 1812 1870 en bleak house http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... text http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... etext 9695 bleak house charles dickens http www gutenberg org dirs etext 06 blk ... blkhs 099 mp 3 blkhs 048 mp 3 blkhs 100 ... susanna white rdf description bleak house project gutenberg http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... justin chadwick 9.78141E+12 charles dickens 735 12 1852-53 anglican reader books gf 5 dba 225 b 4572796 9 ccnode 80 dc 34 ... 9.78014E+12 ... 4/29/2003 penguin books ltd ... 9 lawsuit england null 896 dickens 1853 bleak house charles dickens masterful as ... gbp 583583
i capture castle dodie smith 47004 smith dodie wichita pl 10
twits roald dahl 4 5 urn isbn 0224018558 roald dahl 1980 knopf http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78022E+12 4.4 4.4 1 9297 1 dahl roald f 1 roald dahl dahl roald
clan cave bear jean m auel 4 6 urn isbn 0517542021 jean m auel 5/4/1980 crown http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78052E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 7 clan cave bear 1986 film based book same ... http www ovguide com daryl hannah 9202 8 ... 8.2 jean m auel 43 fic aue auel jean aeul jean jean auel clan cave bear 1986 gfbcc 8 dd 87 208 d 1 b 1086 node 4 b 94 ... currently 3 5 50 511 522 533 544 55 2 vo ... 3.5 2 alan silvestri 1595
godfather mario puzo 4 7 urn isbn 0749324686 mario puzo 1/1/1997 mandarin http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78075E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 4 582417872 14000 godfather pakistani urdu film directed k ... http www ovguide com arbaaz khan 9202 8 ... 1972 pt 175 m action adaptation crime 1972 francis ford coppola ged 8989 bf 2589 dc 59 c 8 1 node 1 cef ... currently 4 59 50 511 522 533 544 55 206 ... 4.6 206 9.78045E+12 g 012 b 2455 d 27 c 002 cfd 87 nodec 3 a ... ... ... new amer library dag nasty ...
alchemist paulo coelho 3 8 urn isbn 0719016177 ben jonson f h mares 1/15/1988 manchester university press http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... 9.78072E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 6.4 paulo coelho 55 6 36681 coelho paulo g 062 bf 81 c 336822746992 nodeb 493 b 6 ... alchemist magical story santiago andalus ... 4081 f 6 paulo coelho 9.78006E+12 gfc 74 de 876 e 36 c 41282 0 nodefd 4988 ... ... http www valorebooks com customerservice ... harpercollins jonson ben 1573 1637 richard band restricted restricted 37602 1466 1466 1466 41 coelho paulo 1466 indepndncpl 1466 1466 1466 1466 1466 1466 1466 7 1466 1466 1466 1466 1466 1466 1466 1466 1466
colour magic terry pratchett 43 437 1983 corgi engelsk pratchett terry 1985 552124753
cold comfort farm stella gibbons 4 2 urn isbn 0141182652 stella gibbons 4/27/2000 penguin books ltd http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78014E+12 http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 5.5 194230805 31000 gibbons stella 10
brave new world aldous huxley 4 2 urn isbn 0060809833 aldous huxley 1989-06 harper perennial http://wifo5-03.informatik.uni-mannheim. ... 9.78006E+12 http wifo 5 03 informatik uni mannheim d ... aldous huxley 139 6 58241945 g 0 df 86 e 5050 fad 15 d 517 enode 8775 ... 34000 based aldous huxley brave new world writ ... 1980 pt 150 m docudrama 9 aldous huxley 13 huxley fic hux huxley aldous 30 41 burt brinckerhoff novel aldous huxley 31 182 1932 aldous huxley 6 62 47 1932 huxley aldous huxley 12 62 fic hux 85 1932 penguin 9.78006E+12 gbdd 8 cd 335 cb 7 dc 863 c 91 noded 842 ... engelsk huxley aldous ebook ... ... aldous huxley harpercollins 1963 11 huxley aldous 160 160 englisch future null 177 huxley aldous huxley 32 e 800 hux 1 2 longman
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